Traveling With Your Pet

Published on July 23 2020

It is not very easy to travel with a pet, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. You may be going to a new location. You may need to take your pet along with you on a trip because you do not have a reliable and safe place where you can leave it. You may also feel that you want your pet to be with you the entire time as pets are part of the family, and leaving them behind when you go on vacation is not a happy solution.

If you are planning to travel with your pet, you have to keep some things in mind. You need to ensure that your pet is comfortable.

Preparing for the Journey

1. Buy the right kind of crate for your pet. He should not feel cramped up in it. It should also be comfortable for him to sit or lie down. Then get your pet used to the crate days before the journey. Put some of his favorite toys into it, leave some treats in it, and show him that his crate is okay. Allow him to use it, to walk in and out of it as he likes. Your pet must get used to using it and eating his food in it. So hang some bags of dry food in it too.

2. Take your pet for a check-up. Find out if your pet is fit for the journey. Check if your pet needs mediation to keep the pet calm during the trip. Many states and countries have their quarantine and inoculation rules. Find out about these in advance and get all the requirements done not to have to rush around at the last minute. You might want to implant a chip to find your pet quickly if he gets lost.

3. If you are flying, check the airlines' policies about flying with pets. Try to get a direct flight so that your pet stays relaxed in one place during the entire trip. If you are driving, check out where you can make regular halts so that your pet can walk around and ease himself.

4. Keep all the pet essentials ready. Pack some treats, medications, food, bowls, water, first aid, travel documents, toys, towels, blankets, and some vets' contact information in the area.

The Day of the Journey

1. Feed your pet before the journey, but do not overfeed him. Also, be careful of what he eats as you do not want him to have an upset stomach during the trip.

2. Keep your pet comfortable and relaxed. Talk to the pet and reassure it all the time.

3. Keep your pet hydrated. If you have to leave your pet during the journey, leave enough fresh and clean water for it in its crate.

4. Do not forget to give it its medication if the vet has prescribed any.

5. Keep a towel or tissue handy so that you can clean him up if there is a mess. Some pets may get sick during car travel.

Having a pet with you is great fun, but it is our responsibility to keep them safe and happy.

Published on #animals

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